Challenge University


Solve Challenges, Test Your Limits

Welcome to a playground of intellectual curiosity and problem-solving!

Here at Challenge University, we believe that challenges fuel growth and innovation. This space offers you an opportunity to push your boundaries and engage in meaningful, real-world challenges.

Whether you’re a prospective student exploring what Challenge University has to offer or someone just excited to tackle complex problems, each challenge serves as an entry point into an education that prepares you for a lifetime of innovation and leadership.

Why Take on a Challenge?

Fun Experience

Immerse yourself in a thrilling journey of intellectual pursuit.

Prize Awards

Stand a chance to win exclusive rewards, from gadgets to internships.

Official CU Certificate

Earn a verified CU certificate to showcase your problem-solving skills and add it to your academic portfolio.

How It Works

How to Engage in a Challenge — A Step-by-Step Guide

Open Challenges

Open Challenges

Browse through our dynamically updated list of challenges that are open for registration.

Balancing AI Growth and Energy Consumption for Sustainable Business 

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into business operations has drastically increased operational efficiency but at a cost: heightened energy consumption. Your challenge is to design a business model that harmonizes the rapid adoption of AI technologies with responsible energy use. Investigate the role of corporate social responsibility, stakeholder pressure, and even the possibility of creating new business ventures focused on sustainable AI solutions.

Type of Solution Expected:
Report, Article, or Ideation

Industry Source:
Business, Technology & Energy Sector

Suggested Time Investment:
15-20 hours

This challenge is perfect for CU learners aiming to combine entrepreneurial acumen with ethical considerations, delivering not just business results but also contributing positively to society.

Deadline: March 15, 2024

The Phoenix Project: Reviving a Failed Business  

Business failures are often seen as the end of the road, but they can also be valuable learning experiences and stepping stones for future success. This challenge pushes you to look beyond the initial failure and visualize a pathway for revival. Identify a business or product that failed to meet market expectations in the past decade. Dive deep into the reasons behind its downfall: Was it poor market research? Flawed execution? Or perhaps, a lack of innovation? Your task is to propose a comprehensive strategy that addresses these pain points, revitalizes the brand, and charts a new course for its comeback.

Type of Solution Expected:
Business Plan, Business Case, or Ideation

Industry Source:
Business & Entrepreneurship

Suggested Time Investment:
15-20 hours

This challenge is ideal for CU learners who are interested in the dynamics of business turnaround strategies, offering both a tactical and strategic view of how to revive a failing business.

Deadline: March 15, 2024

Start-First Guide for Aspiring Solopreneurs 

Embarking on a solopreneurial journey can be daunting without a roadmap. This challenge aims to create a comprehensive guide for aspiring solopreneurs. Your task is to outline the key steps, essential resources, and success metrics that can help one start and grow a solo business. Investigate common pitfalls, time management hacks, and the importance of branding and marketing for a solopreneur. Your guide should serve as a go-to resource for anyone looking to start a business single-handedly.

Type of Solution Expected:
Report, Ebook, or Ideation

Industry Source:
Business & Entrepreneurship

Suggested Time Invest:
Maximum 20 hours

This challenge is ideal for CU learners with an entrepreneurial spirit, who are interested in practical steps for launching a business single-handedly, and want to contribute to a valuable resource that can empower aspiring solopreneurs.

Deadline: March 15, 2024

Remote Work Optimization for Productivity and Well-Being 

The remote work landscape is continually evolving, presenting both opportunities and challenges for workers and employers alike. This challenge asks you to design a best practices guide or framework for optimizing remote work to enhance both productivity and well-being. Consider aspects like time management, team communication, work-life balance, and mental health. Your guide should offer actionable insights for both employees and employers on making remote work a fulfilling and efficient experience.

Type of Solution Expected:
Report, Guide, or Ideation

Industry Source:
Business & Human Resources

Suggested Time Invest:
Maximum 20 hours

This challenge is particularly suited for CU learners interested in the future of work, human resources, and organizational behavior. Your contribution will help shape a more sustainable and fulfilling remote work environment for everyone involved.

Deadline: March 15, 2024

Challenges Master Award

Challenges Master Award

In collaboration with our esteemed industry partners, the ChallengeMaster Award honors the most exceptional and innovative solutions to our challenges. This prestigious accolade not only brings you recognition but also amplifies your entrepreneurial journey with Challenge University.



In this exclusive ChallengeMaster Award Challenge, we invite you to explore the intersection of IoT and social good. Your task is to create a transformative IoT solution that addresses a pressing social issue—be it healthcare, education, poverty alleviation, or environmental sustainability. This is not just another challenge; it’s an opportunity to make a real-world impact and stand out as a thought leader in the field of IoT and social entrepreneurship.

Type of Solution Expected:
IoT Prototype, Comprehensive Strategy Document, or Social Impact Framework

Industry Source:
Technology for Social Impact

Suggested Time Invest:
Maximum 30 hours (Given the special nature of this challenge, a little extra effort will go a long way.)

March 15, 2024

This prestigious challenge is particularly suited for CU’s most ambitious learners, especially those focused on IoT, social impact, and innovation. Successful solutions have the potential not only to win the ChallengeMaster Award but also to be implemented as pilot projects through partnerships with relevant organizations.

Completed Challenges & Awards

Completed Challenges & Awards

No Open Challenges & Awards Completed
We currently have no open challenges or awards completed at this time. Stay tuned for exciting opportunities and initiatives as we continue to develop our challenge-based educational platform.
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Let's Shape the Future Together

At Challenge University, we’re not just offering a degree; we’re offering a transformation. So, if you believe you have what it takes to be part of this exciting journey, we invite you to apply and pave your path to entrepreneurial success.

Join us, and let’s shape the future, one challenge at a time.